Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Many Uses of CoenzymeQ10

The benefits of coenzyme Q10 have mostly been ascribed to aiding heart health in recent years. In this regard, it is known as a nutrient that may help patients who suffer from congestive heart failure.

It has also been touted by many natural health experts who point out that statin prescription drugs — which are used to lower cholesterol — also deplete the body of essential coenzyme Q10. Therefore, supplementing with coenzyme Q10 is particuarly important for statin users.

In Japan, Coenzyme Q10 is a hugely popular supplement and a significant percentage of the adult population uses it as a general anti-aging supplement.

But beyond these now well known facts, the latest research is indicating coenzyme Q10 has many other uses.

What is Coenzyme Q10 Used For

The efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraines is just one of the latest uses for this potent nutrient.

In the February 2005 issue of Neurology, a study was referenced that took place in Switzerland in which Coenzyme Q10 supplemention reduced migraine frequency by 27% in sufferers of this condition.

This study was not conducted with a large number of patients–only 42 people–and so further research is needed in this area, but the initial efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraines is off to a promising start.

Another of the recent benefits of coenzyme Q10 is this nutrient’s role in possibly slowing down macular degeneration in its early stages. This is fantastic news because age-related macular degneration is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over 60.

Some of this research was reported in the 2005 May Opthamologica journal, although it was found that other nutrients can also help improve age-related macular degeneration as well, such as acetly-L carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids.

Before this, other research has shown that lutein and zeaxanthin are two important nutrients for the eyes and macular degeneration as well.

The benefits of coenzyme Q10 is now also extending into cancer. It’s been reported that cancer sufferers often have low levels of this nutrient.

Therefore, research has been conducted to see if coenzyme Q10 supplementation would improve certain types of cancer because one of the functions of this nutrient is to boost the body’s immune response.

So far, the research on coenzyme Q10 is showing that when it is combined with other antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, beta carotene, the mineral selenium, and Omega 3 fatty acids, it may help patients with breast cancer. More studies need to be conducted to confirm these initial findings.

The last of the recent benefits of coenzyme Q10 indicate it may be helpful in fighting the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. In fact, promising results were reported in the Archives of Neurology, in which patients in one study experienced a 44% less decline in mental function and movement as opposed to those who took placebo.

This was a government funded study by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, which is a part of the larger National Institutes of Health.

As promising as all of these recent studies are, the good news is that coenzyme Q10 is also being studied for many other health conditions as well, ranging from male fertility, alleviating diabetic complications, improving memory, and much more.

Talk to a natural health expert for tips on choosing a quality coenzyme Q10 supplement — or any other promising supplement you wish to investigate.

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