Friday, January 9, 2009

Wet AMD? Participants Needed Now for New Macular Degeneration Treatment Trials.

A new trial has just begun comparing the two Macular Degeneration Wet drugs, Avastin and Lucentis. Currently Lucentis is the FDA approved drug and Avastin has off-label approval. The trial seeks to compare the two drugs for safety and effectiveness. Participants are being recruited now.

January 5, 2009 (FPRC) --
The US National Eye Institute has announced a new trial into the treatment of Macular Degeneration Wet.

Although the condition is generally accepted as incurable, eye doctors have had good results in delaying the worst of the symptoms, including full blindness, by injecting drugs directly into the eyes of patients.

Currently Lucentis is the FDA approved drug for wet macular degeneration treatment. It was approved in June 2006.

Years of clinical trials showed that with repeated treatment, Lucentis slowed the progression of vision loss and in some cases even improved vision.

One of the problems with Lucentis is that it is a very expensive drug, costing approximately $2000 per injection.

Injections are usually needed every 4 weeks.

Avastin, a much cheaper drug, has off-label approval for treating wet AMD. It was approved by the FDA in 2004 for colon cancer treatment.

Avastin works in a similar way to Lucentis by stopping the unwanted blood vessel growth present in wet AMD.

The Lucentis-Avastin trial will compare the two drugs for safety and effectiveness.

Participants in the trial can expect to be treated with an injection of either drug every four weeks for up to two years.

It is important to remember that wet macular degeneration is generally regarded as incurable.

Also participants in the trial should be aware that possible side effects of eye injection treatment could include eye inflammation and increased eye pressure athough serious side effects are rare.

Macular Degeneration is a leading cause of age related blindness. The good news is that
age related eye disease and eventual blindness CAN be prevented. Specific nutrients, reduction of risk factors and early detection can save your sight.

To learn more about prevention and how to participate in the
Lucentis-Avastin Trial visit our website.


Unknown said...

Currently, there are no treatment to cure macular degeneration even its progression. Scientist discovered various ways to slow down the progression of macular degeneration and improve vision. Macular degeneration treatment

jaqulin said...
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