Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pill Shows Promise for Treatment of Macular Degeneration


Beatrice Dean has had the dry form of macular degeneration for 20 years.

"You get to the point where you don't read any longer, you don't write, you just don't see things straight on,” she said.

A National Institute of Health study found that certain eye vitamins can help, to a point. Dr Richard Bensinger of Swedish Medical Center says this was the first breakthrough.

"It showed a very significant slowing of the condition, not a cure, or stoppage,” he said.

Now the Acucela biotech firm in Bothell is working on a pill that may finally stop the disease altogether.

Founder Ryo Kubota says the goal is to prevent dry form from progressing into the more severe wet form, which can cause blindness overnight.

"Primarily it will be preventative and slow down the disease, but in animal test studies that we've done, we've show in can reduce the already accumulated toxic byproducts,” said Dr. Kubota.

In theory, the drug works by blocking the damage before it starts.

Who will get macular degeneration?

"There really is no risk factor that's known except for everybody's favorite, smoking,” said Dr. Kubota.

Dr. Kobota hopes this research will make all the difference since macular degeneration cases are expected to rise as baby boomers get older.

“We're hoping this drug to be on the market in five to 10 years,” he said.

Human trials are just beginning. We'll keep you up to date on the research and when the study will begin recruiting locally.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are you located? I would like to become involved as I have macular Degeneration that began in my late teens. I am taking the vitamins and following the lifestyle advice but I know I need more help. I presently am 35 and underwent laser surgery in my late 20's that was successful for some years. I am aware of some treatments such as medicines to slow down the cause and a type of laser surgery. I have not tried these. The laser surgery I did have was for the cornea reshaping. Please let me know and include me in your studies.