Monday, January 4, 2010

Gene therapy to restore and improve vision

Reduced vision, or even my blindness for an individual there are a number of reasons. The treatment is on what is the case depends, and the effectiveness of treatment. Conventional, non-invasive treatment has always wear glasses or contact lenses to correct vision problems. Developed over time, improving the eye-glass lenses and contacts that reduce glare, the wavelengths of the light side to improve depth perception, and to address many environmental problems.

More recently,There have been new developments in medical care for the blind have been. For example, Avastin, a drug that was originally intended, Colo-rectal cancer treatment has been found to improve vision in patients with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other retinal vascular disease in context. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce inflammation of the retina, and the formation of cysts. The new drugs have been developed to treat infections of cold cuts.

A majorChallenge has been on treatment options for genetic diseases and defects. These diseases result from the patient, and therefore limited treatment options. The future seems to be gene therapy. Recent clinical trials at the Scheie Eye Institute in Philadelphia made using gene therapy have dramatically improved sight-reading by the gesture declaration of letters on a table eye. These tests were sent to people who suffer from a congenital disease has been carriedLeber congenital amaurosis known. The study was later published in The New England Journal of Medicine. This implies a particular eye disease by a mutation in the gene RPE-65. This mutation prevents the gene is required for the production of a protein in the manufacture of the RPE. This protein is required for binding to the tissue of the retina and the light in sight.

The treatment included injection of normal RPE-65 gene directly into the retina. Two weeksthe contribution of all patients showed a better view. In addition, all participants were more sensitive to light. As a result the increase in visual acuity, there was a simultaneous decrease in abnormal eye movements, see further increases the ability of the eye.

While these studies have been performed on patients with a congenital disorder, there is no hope, other people with genetic diseases that help is on the move. With a little luck ', a disease of the retinathe past, because improving the methods of treatment.

For more information go to

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