Friday, January 22, 2010

Macular Degeneration Wet Treatment

The only way to treat the problem used to be by using a laser, though it has been shown to work only in about half the cases. Now there are chemical and laser-related options, too. Because blood vessel growth is associated with the presence of a ‘vascular endothelial growth factor,’ drugs that impair its function are expected to help. Another solution is to use modified RNA (ribonucleic acid) or sealing blood vessel leaks using lasers. Wet macular degeneration occurs to just 15 per cent of the people with age-related macular problems but are common in two-thirds of the people with a significant loss of vision. In 70 per cent of the cases, wet age-related macular degeneration weakens vision to 20/200 or worse within two years. Antioxidants (including vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, copper, lutein, and zeaxanthine) and zinc have been shown to help preserve vision. And it would help to make full use of vision from outside the central zone, that is, the peripheral vision, to maximum effect. Anti oxidants are known to protect by preventing free oxygen – which is found in high quantities in the blood vessel -rich eye.

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